The next transport for cats and dogs departs Romania on 24-08-2016 and arrives in the UK Saturday 26-08-2016. Our service is fully tracked for your peace of mind and so at all times you know where your pet is.
We can collect your pet from most parts of Romania, Bucharest is the starting point. The route for this journey is outlined below and we are able to accommodate stops or collections along this route. Bucharest, Pitesti,Ploiesti, Brasov, Sibiu, Sebes, Deva, Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea and Arad. We can deliver in HUNGARY (Budapest, Gyor) AUSTRIA (Vienna, Salzburg) GERMANY (Nuremberg, Munich, Stuttgart, Wurzburg, Mannheim, Bonn, Köln, Aachen, (Hanover, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin), FRANCE (Metz, Reims, Paris, Calais )(We deliver one time per month in Paris),BELGIUM (Liege, Brussels, Gent), UNITED KINGDOM(London, Oxford, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds,Holyhead).
We can take your animals from the UNITED KINGDOM to Romania or any stop in the countries listed above. All this is possible because we have invested in logistics. We have two vans for type 2 transport with TRACES, four drivers who have certificates of competence to transport live animals and two careers who will ensure your animals wellbeing throughout the journey. We take seriously every detail, the transport is equipped with air conditioning. This is for your pets comfort and to avoid health problems caused by improper temperature. In both transports the temperatures are recorded in line with the government regulations. Inside the cars are individual cages of varying sizes for the comfort and security of your pet. Each animal will have its own cage, will receive food twice a day and fresh water changed frequently. The dogs will be walked with the owner’s consent. We have internet connection in the van so you can see photos in real time and you can talk with us at any point. If you would like a route tailored to your needs we will be happy to try to accommodate this, for more details please contact us by private message or telephone.